Tableplus mongodb connection
Tableplus mongodb connection

tableplus mongodb connection

As such as the +Table and all other references to "Table" should be changed to "Collection" In MongoDB there's no such thing as "tables", instead it's "collections".

tableplus mongodb connection

Other MongoDB clients also don't require a database so you probably shouldn't either and just list all databases after connecting. Unlike the mysql connection which doesn't require a database. Once you're connected to the database however you can use the 'database list' icon to connect to another database on that same connection. When adding a MongoDB connection, it forces you to specify a database name. I don't know if the right sidebar is your idea of a "document view" but I would have expected something more along the lines of a full page document view The _id column should appear first, currently it appears last (in both column view and "document view (sidebar)" I realize it's beta of course, I hope this feedback can help you out I've been using it for ~10 minutes and have a lot of feedback already. I've been using Studio 3T for 2+ years as my MongoDB client and would love to eventually replace it by TablePlus.

tableplus mongodb connection

That's awesome! I look forward to seeing you polish it off. I see you just pushed 182 which features support for MongoDB

Tableplus mongodb connection