Process to clean up mac computer
Process to clean up mac computer

process to clean up mac computer

You need to get those out before you come in with the damp cloth-like sweeping the floor before mopping. It also means you have crumbs between, on, or inside your keys. If you're a multitasking heathen who eats while using the computer. For best results, let your mousepad air dry. You can also put it in the washer machine, as long as you use cool water. If it’s made of fabric, you might want to run it a soapy bath and scrub it with your cloth. If you’re using a plastic or rubber mousepad, you can scrub it clean with a cloth dampened by some water and a little hand soap or shampoo. If you’re reconnecting your mouse to a PS/2 port, make sure you plug it back in before you turn on the computer. Once it’s completely dry, reassemble the pieces and reconnect your spruced up mouse to your computer. Again, use an alcohol-dampened cloth to clean both the ball and the inside of the mouse. Some of the dust should just roll off by itself.įor a deeper clean, turn it over and rotate the ball-cover ring counter clockwise to get the ball out. If you have a mechanical mouse, you can give it a quick clean by placing it on a piece of paper and moving the mouse around on there.

process to clean up mac computer

Use a clean cloth with a little bit of alcohol to wipe the outside of the mouse clean be careful not to get any liquid inside. Start by unplugging the mouse from your computer and removing any batteries. Stickiness and dust can lead to a stiff mouse that just doesn’t work as you want it to.

process to clean up mac computer

Mechanical mice are more susceptible to dust particles that can get caught inside. Optical mice, which use light to detect surface area, require no internal cleaning-but the outside can get sticky over time. If you use an external mouse, you might want to give it a little love, too. If you want to wipe in a wax on, wax off motion, that's fine, but don't get overzealous with your scrubbing.

Process to clean up mac computer